Teeth-chattering cold

Emergency personnel in Oklahoma City, St. Louis and Chicago, among other locales, vowed they were prepared to weather the storm. The leaders of several states, many of which have already had a difficult winter, also commandeered their forces even as they urged people to stay coach outlet store home."Folks should batten down the hatches and hold on," Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon said. "The most likely place to get hurt is out on the road."Teeth-chattering cold will filter in behind the system, plunging temperatures to subzero in the upper Plains states.Blizzard or near blizzard conditions are expected as far south as Oklahoma City on Tuesday, where snow accumulations there will be measured in feet, not in inches.Oklahoma's governor, Mary Fallin, released a power balance statement on Monday declaring a state of emergency for all 77 counties in the state."This disaster declaration will make sure we can prepare for the winter weather ahead of the storm," Fallin said. "We encourage all Oklahomans to prepare for the storm before it arrives." Strong winds will combine with the cold temperatures to create extremely dangerous wind chills, according to forecasts.Oklahoma was under a state of emergency and 600 National Guard troops were mobilized in Missouri as the Plains and the Midwest braced Tuesday to take the brunt of powerful winter storm system.The National Weather Service forecast blizzard conditions across portions of seven states, from Oklahoma to Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana. Winds gusts of up to 40 mph are expected.With temperatures expected to drop well below zero by Wednesday, parts of the Texas Panhandle and western Oklahoma will experience some of the coldest air this season, Morris who owns a shop online 2011 said. Snowfall could reach a rate of 2 to 3 inches per hour with northeasterly winds of 25 mph to 40 mph, creating dangerous "white-out" conditions across the entire Chicago metropolitan area, the weather service reported.
Par eileen le mardi 01 février 2011


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