New HP Devices Appear to Be Winners

Google shelved it by April, and the first ones were seen being resold by early buyers for $100 or less a few weeks later. Two biggest problems: The touch screen didn't work very well (too many repeated actions needed) and Google decided to sell it online only. There's a long list of cool features that many people will like and want to buy.  See this slideshow for more details. However, the TouchPad won't be available until summer 2011; that's quite awhile for people to wait. In the meantime, Apple will be out before that with its iPad 2, which is expected to include some—if not all—of the features noted above. Did that first Google phone ever crash and burn!
Most people want to have a phone in their hands to determine whether they like its look, feel and performance before they invest in it. For the record, Google and the manufacturer, HTC, learned some
pillow pets wholesale lessons and made improvements, and a new and improved Nexus is now on the market. We'll see if it sells.
Back to present day. HP's Pre3 and Veer smartphones look like successful instruments, and so does the new TouchPad. The biggest news certainly was the introduction of the TouchPad, which embodies a lot of capabilities the Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy and other tablets simply cannot touch at this time.

We're not even going to mention all the new Android tablets that also will be on store shelves by the time TouchPads come out. You never know how significant a product launch event can be. Fresh in mind was a big one Feb. 9 here at the Fort Mason waterfront for HP's two new webOS-driven smartphones and the TouchPad tablet PC.

This might turn out to be one of the most important launches in HP's long and celebrated history because it brings the corporation into the 21st century with its connected mobile devices. Or it could be the introduction of a real flop; an example of an event in the latter category was the Jan. 5, 2010, big-news launch of Google's first smartphone—the Nexus
power balance One.

For example, it will sport a videocam, a full suite of office productivity software and much better multitasking capability than any current
2011 new watches competitor. It sports wonderful e-mail, photo/video and music (Beats Audio) capabilities. It is not relegated to one browser; it also supports Flash.

Sync-up with other devices will be easy; for example, to sync one of the phones with a TouchPad, all a user needs to do is touch the two devices together, and wow—they can share e-mail, video and other applications.

Par eileen le vendredi 11 février 2011


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