'Mubarak's poodle'

According to Wikileaks cables, he has resolutely "opposed both economic and political reforms that he perceives as eroding central government power" - hardly such louboutin 2011stuff as revolutions are made on.There is every possibility that he will simply rebuild the apparatus of autocracy by dispersing superficial powers to a fractured opposition, while restoring the army to its Cold War standing. Within hours of the moment, Egypt's finance minister appeared on television to promise that "the oligarchy" would be swept away too.But for six decades, civilian and military elites have deeply inter-penetrated.The christian louboutin 2011army has hedged its bets in masterful fashion over the last two weeks, appearing to side with protesters but remaining passive in the face of regime-sponsored violence and accepting Mubarak's desultory promises of reform until this was no longer tenable.This is because the military establishment stands to suffer enormous losses, in both financial and political terms, from genuine democratic reforms.Moreover, if a future government seeks to chart an independent policy towards Israel or Hamas, the military will be loath to jeopardise its flow of US aid.This could prompt a Pakistan-like situation in which elected leaders are stripped of control over foreign policy.After 18 days of historic protest, Tahrir Square has finally found reason to let off fireworks and brighten Cairo's night sky.It seems an unnecessary cruelty to cast a shadow over the massed crowd when they have secured what is certainly the most far-reaching change in the Arab world for many decades.But this is a revolution that has stalled every time it appeared at the cusp of takeoff, and Hosni Mubarak's departure does not yet complete the victory for Egypt's democrats. The man now at the apex of Egypt is Defence Minister Mohamed Tantawi who owns shop online 2011. He embodies the reactionary forces still embedded at the heart of a regime that may have shed its figurehead but not its essence. Field Marshal Tantawi is known by junior officers as "Mubarak's poodle".
Par eileen le samedi 12 février 2011


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