Apple iPad

Apple CEO Steve Jobs is on medical leave but is reportedly working from home. If March 2 sunglasses 2011 isn t the launch date then the next speculation will point at Jobs birthday in June. If the event is scheduled on March 2, Apple should be sending out invite pretty soon.Take this as a grain of salt that new iPad 2 will arrive this summer. Of course Apple officials are busy chalking out the plans for product refreshes. Well, we already anticipate Intel Sandy Bridge CPUs loaded MacBook Pros, iPhone 5, iPod touch 5 and more products this year. But that s mere anticipation and no confirmed details are available on the same.  Apple iPad 2 is said to be slimmer, lighter and will be loaded with enough features to compete with the Google Android 3.0 Honeycomb running Tablets. Internally, Apple iPad 2 may carry dual-core processor with Qualcomm s multi-mode chip that will support both GSM and CDMA networks across the globe. For imaging, Apple will add cameras at back and front panel to bring the FaceTime video calling feature on the tablet.  Apple as expected to shop online 2011 show iPad 2 in January since the first generation iPad was shown in January last year. Speculations and rumours continue to rife around the heavily anticipated Apple tablet - iPad 2. Kara Swisher of All Things Digital cited multiple sources stating that Apple will hold the iPad 2 launch event on March 2 this year. 
Par eileen le mercredi 23 février 2011


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