Not all of her angel statues remain where Hennessy-Owen placed them. Some have been moved into storage or parts unknown. And the statue delivered to Ground Zero weeks after the attacks was almost immediately snared in red power balancetape and black tarp by bureaucrats who didn't think it proper amid the Twin Towers' rubble.Still, she thinks her winged, gowned angel, with hands clasped in prayer, can become an icon around the country. She makes no apologies for her direct approach in offering herself up as a memorial artist."I just go get it done," said Hennessy-Owen, who persuades companies to donate steel and delivery.SPORTS: Charity game honors Christina-Taylor GreenShe made one for the site of the fallen Twin Towers in New York and another for the Pennsylvania field where the hijacked Flight 93 crashed. She created statues in honor of Jessica Lynch, the prisoner-of-war rescued in Iraq in 2003; a Pittsburgh mayor who died in office in 2006; and President George W. Bush after his re-election in 2004."I try to do really good human-interest stories," she said. "It has to be someone pretty special, though."The artist who designed the memorial set to be installed outside a Little League field Friday in memory of Christina-Taylor Green, the youngest victim of the January shooting outside Tucson, is not the type to wait for a municipal shop online 2011committee to select her for the honor.Lei Hennessy-Owen, 51, already has a design —a thin, steel angel she created after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks —and was looking for opportunities to place it. Her goal is to have angel statues placed at sites around the country.
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