Rejon's arrest marks "a blow to the highest level of the criminal structure of the Zetas," said Alejandro Poire, the government's national security spokesman. "Federal forces are narrowing their space of operations and impunity." A former corporal in the Mexican army's special feather hair extensions wholesale forces, Rejon was trained as a sniper and demolitions expert. He served briefly as an agent with the Mexican attorney general's office along the Texas border before deserting with the other founding Zetas in the late 1990s.Rejon commanded the bodyguards for Osiel Cardenas, the former leader of the Gulf Cartel narcotics trafficking gang, who formed the Zetas as his personal assassins and enforcers. Through the past decade, Rejon became one of the of the most brutal leaders in the Zetas organization, police said. He helped expand the group's influence into the Caribbean resort of Cancun and elsewhere in southern Mexico."Rejon is a notorious criminal whose leadership role in Los Zetas saw him involved in multiple crimes against the Mexican people," John Feeley, the acting U.S. ambassador in Mexico City said Monday. "We know the bad guys are on the run; and that's a good thing for both Mexico and the United States." Rejon's capture on Sunday "demonstrates that Calderon government authorities are not just rhetorically committed to the feather hair extensions notion of attacking the cartels' impunity," Feeley said. "They are accomplishing it in practice."
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