first Arab League condemnation

Exact casualty figures were hard to obtain because most people were trapped indoors, and residents said bodies were lying unattended in the streets where feather hair extensions is pop, because it was too dangerous for ambulances to reach them.

  The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 42 people were killed; the global advocacy group Avaaz put the toll at 27; an activist in Deir al-Zour said 58 died. Activists said at least 12 people were killed in similar assaults on towns in the southern province of Daraa, the central province of Homs and the northern province of Idlib. There also were reports of fresh bombardments, additional deaths and mass arrests in Hama, the first target of the offensive, which was launched last feather hair extensions wholesale week.

The Syrian military on Sunday escalated its offensive to crush a nationwide revolt, reportedly killing scores of people as it sent tanks and troops to several locations, including the restive eastern city of Deir al-Zour, whose tribes are armed and have close clan ties with their brethren across the border in Iraq.

“It’s massive, brutal and determined,” said Wissam Tarif, an activist with Avaaz. “They are just killing people everywhere.”The assault on Deir al-Zour echoed the push launched a week ago against the central city of Hama, where human rights groups say at least 200 people have been killed, leaving little doubt of the government’s intent to use force to crush the nearly five-month-old uprising that has threatened to overturn five decades of Baath Party rule.

Residents said tanks began bombarding before dawn and then rumbled into neighborhoods on the feather earrings wholesale outskirts of the desert city. Deir al-Zour has emerged in recent weeks as a stronghold of the protest movement seeking to topple the regime led by President Bashar al-Assad

Par eileen le lundi 08 août 2011


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