Jeudi 24 mars 2011

full extent

Japanese companies are not only reeling from chanel sunglasses 2011 damage to factories and suppliers in quake-hit northeastern Japan, but are also suffering from fuel shortages nationwide and power outages in the Tokyo area that are affecting production, distribution and the ability of staff to get to work. The world's biggest automaker has suspended production at all of its 12 domestic assembly plants at least through March 26 and has estimated a production loss of 140,000 vehicles until then. The automaker is just one of dozens, if not hundreds, of Japanese manufacturers facing disruptions to their supply chains as a result of the quake, the subsequent tsunami and a still-unresolved nuclear threat.  "We still don't know the full extent of what can be done to substitute the affected parts," Honda Motor Co spokeswoman Natsuo Asanuma said. Japan's No.3 automaker has suspended production in Japan at least until March 27.  Supply chain disruptions in Japan have forced at least one global automaker to delay the launch of two new models and are forcing other industries to shutter plants and rethink their logistical infrastructure. Toyota Motor Corp said on Wednesday it would delay the launch in Japan of two new additions to the Prius line-up, a wagon and a minivan, from the originally planned end-April due to production shop online 2011 disruptions from this month's devastating earthquake.  


Par eileen - 22 commentaire(s)le 24 mars 2011
Mercredi 23 mars 2011

That was quite upsetting

While the city is sensitive toward the concerns of transgender people, said Gabriel Taussig of the Law Department, the Health Department “must be satisfied that an christian louboutin 2011 applicant has completely and permanently transitioned to the acquired gender prior to the issuance of a new birth certificate.”  The medical and scientific communities “have come to recognize the increasing importance of factors other than chromosomes and genitalia in determining sex, including the sex of the brain or one’s self-identified sex,” the lawsuits say. “These communities have further concluded that there is a biological basis for considering a person to be male even if that person has female chromosomes and genitalia.”  But some disagree. Peter Sprigg, a senior fellow for policy studies at the Family Research Council, a socially conservative Christian policy organization, said that allowing transgender people, even someone who has had genital surgery, to change their sex on legal documents would essentially be “a form of fraud.” I think you have the objective reality of their genital makeup and their chromosomal makeup, weighed against the entirely subjective experience of so-called gender identity,” Mr. Sprigg said. “I think the objective considerations are the only thing that should be recognized by the law.”  That was quite upsetting,” she said on Tuesday. Mr. Berkley, 30, said he was similarly humiliated when he was applying for health insurance, and his birth certificate caused the woman on the other side of the desk to look at him suspiciously. While genital surgery was seen as definitive proof of a sex change when the health code was created in 1971, the lawsuits say there are many other ways that one can be shop online 2011  clinically considered a member of the other sex.
Par eileen - 27 commentaire(s)le 23 mars 2011

Microsoft's moves

One new feature Amazon is bringing from its retailer bag of tricks: the free trial. In the Web version of its store, customers can try out many of the apps (using their mouse to control the christian louboutin 2011 screen) before they buy. Amazon said it will tie its Appstore to other items people search for on its site. "If you are looking at basketball attire, we might surface basketball apps to you in the store," said Aaron Rubenson, Amazon's category leader for the Appstore. The problem of finding apps has spawned new businesses to help the developers. A San Jose, Calif., company called GTekna Corp. sells an app-promotion service.GTekna offers a money back guarantee to place apps in the top 25 list in the Apple App Store within three days through contracts with community websites that agree to provide incentives for their members to download apps that are promoted. The service, which can cost $5,000 for a game app, is so popular that it is booked for the next month.  Developers are counting on Amazon's new Appstore for Android devices bring its familiar shopping experience and sophisticated recommendation technology to mobile apps. "My hope is that users will more easily find my apps," said Brian Wood, CEO of Snapwood Apps, which develops photography apps. Angry Birds developer Rovio created different versions of its app to occupy more of the spots on the top download lists. In addition to its main game, it has a seasonal version that it adapts for holidays. It also launched a new version with a tie-in to the movie "Angry Birds Rio" in partnership with News Corp.'s Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp. this week. "It gives us more shop online 2011  visibility," said Ville Heijari, a spokesman for Rovio. News Corp. also owns The Wall Street Journal.
Par eileen - 19 commentaire(s)le 23 mars 2011
Mardi 22 mars 2011

Sectarian risk

The slogan that proved the death-knell of the Mubarak and Ben Ali regimes in Egypt and Tunisia, and which is now haunting the leaders of Libya and Yemen, was: "The people want the overthrow of the power balance armband regime." So far, even the protesters in Deraa have confined themselves to near-rhyming modifications, such as: "The people want the overthrow of corruption", or "The people want reform of the regime".But the Syrian government might have to do a lot more if it is to stave off serious trouble.  Reports said that orders had been issued from the highest levels that live ammunition was not to be used against demonstrators. Government ministers were despatched to present condolences to the bereaved families and to negotiate with town elders over their demands.Meeting those demands will not be easy. They include the dismissal of the city's governor, Feisal Kalthoum, and its political security chief, Atef Najib. Both are regime insiders, and Mr Najib is a cousin of President Assad.  Even if it is, it is impossible to predict whether Syria can ride out the storm unless it makes serious efforts to tackle the deep-seated issues underlying protests throughout the power balanceregion. Aware of the economic hardships grating on many Syrians, the government has already dropped plans to remove subsidies from staple goods, and has raised public-sector salaries.  Tribal towns Deraa and other nearby towns such as Jassem and Inkhil - where related protests are reported to have been mounted - are largely Sunni and heavily tribal.That means that if the grievances remain inflamed, they could spread, take hold and be very hard indeed to stamp out. But it also means that if the government succeeds in winning over the tribal leaders and elders, the situation could be contained.  So the Syrian response at Deraa has been two-pronged - to try to contain the situation with a big security presence, while at the same time at least going through the motions of negotiating over local grievances and promising to investigate the killing of protesters last Friday and punish anyone found to be responsible. Some of those detained have been freed, including school pupils whose anti-regime shop online 2011 graffiti triggered the crisis.
Par eileen - 21 commentaire(s)le 22 mars 2011
Lundi 21 mars 2011

155-mph C63 AMG coupe

Basically, this coupe is all about how it drives. It boasts a zero to 60 mile-per-hour time of 4.4 seconds and Mercedes is quick to point out that the top speed is electronically limited to protect you from your worse power balance instincts.The coupe has a silky seven-speed transmission and is designed to save fuel. "Visually, the coupe version of the C63 AMG has a confident, athletic presence that is reminiscent of the high-performance SL63 AMG roadster," Mercedes says about its newest baby. For the select few of you who want to get to the ballet a little faster, Mercedes-Benz just released photos of its 2012 C63 AMG coupe. The coupe version of the C63 is designed to make a style statement while delivering 451 horsepower and a top speed of 155 mph. The formal debut comes at next month's New York Auto Show.Arriving in showrooms in September, the coupe joins the C63 AMG sedan in the latest from Mercedes' shop online 2011 performance division.
Par eileen - 21 commentaire(s)le 21 mars 2011

Very small amounts

The other five reactors, too, are in various states of disrepair -- all subject to intense efforts to avert full or partial meltdowns and the release of radioactive material.The plant's No. 3 reactor has been a special varsity jackets concern, with a nuclear safety official estimating 1,170 tons of water between sprayed between roughly 9 p.m. Sunday to 4 a.m. Monday alone. Those efforts include a move to possibly encase one or more of the reactors in concrete, a last-ditch effort similar to what was done after the 1986 meltdown at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in the former Soviet Union -- considered the worst nuclear disaster at a plant. On Monday, an official with Japan's nuclear and industrial safety agency told reporters that tests are expected to be conducted in the afternoon on how to use what he called a "concrete pump engine." The engine would pump a mix of mortar and water into the reactor's spent nuclear fuel pool and containment vessel, the official said. The pool contains nuclear fuel rods that could give off radioactive material, if exposed and overheated, while the containment vessel is a steel and concrete shell that insulates radioactive material inside.While he did not prada bags indicate when or even if the concrete pump would be used, the official did say the target would be the plant's No. 4 reactor. In just over two hours on Monday morning alone, 13 fire engines sprayed about 90 tons toward that reactor in an attempt to cool it down. A Tokyo electric official told CNN that six workers trying to restore electricity to that reactor have been exposed to more than 100 millisieverts of radiation. For reference, an individual in a developed country naturally is exposed to 3 millisieverts of radiation a year -- though Japan's health industry has set a 250 millisievert limit for those trying to combat the crisis at the Fukushima plant. Officials were training workers Monday to spray the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant's stricken reactors with concrete -- one of several efforts underway to curb the release of more radioactive material. A 9.0-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami on March 11 has devastated northeast Japan, with more than 8,600 dead and 13,000 missing. But most of the concern, and uncertainty, since then has centered on the Daiichi plant, some 240 kilometers (150 miles) north of Tokyo, as authorities rush to stave off a nuclear crisis over an 11-day span marked by shop online 2011 explosions and fears of meltdowns.
Par eileen - 27 commentaire(s)le 21 mars 2011
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