Jeudi 28 avril 2011

a video game analyst

On a Frequently Asked Questions page created by Sony, the company has admitted that some gamers are already asking for compensation. Its response: "While we are still assessing the impact of this incident, we recognize that this may have had financial impact on our loyal customers. We are currently reviewing options and will update you when the service is restored."Despite the enormity of this power balance mess, some folks can't help but have a little fun at the expense of Sony.As you can see, the National Nerd Relief Fund is hoping to raise money to help get the PlayStation Network back up and running as soon as possible ... for the sake of Sony fanboys everywhere. But in Japan where Sony is based, one of the highest ranking government officials — Chief Cabinet Secretary Yuko Edano — issued a more diplomatic statement directed at Sony."Private businesses must safeguard the personal information they have with the maximum care possible," he said, according to game site Kotaku.Meanwhile, estimates are rolling in about how much this debacle is going to cost Sony.As VentureBeat shop online 2011 reports, estimates are ranging anywhere from $20 million in lost revenues for a couple of weeks of down time to $24 billion for the total costs of dealing with the loss of personal customer data. Michael Pachter, a video game analyst for Wedbush Morgan, told VentureBeat he estimates that Sony makes about $500 million in annual revenue from PSN which comes out to about $10 million per week. Sony has estimated it will take another week to get the network up and running on top of the week it's been down — hence the low-end $20 million guess.On the other end of the spectrum, Forbes has cited a study from security think tank Ponemon Institute that estimates it costs $318 per compromised record for a data breach. With 77 million PlayStation Network user accounts that adds up to the $24 billion estimate. "The Information Commissioner's Office takes data protection breaches extremely seriously," the organization told Eurogamer Wednesday. "Any business or organization that is processing personal information in the UK must ensure they comply with the law, including the need to keep data secure. We are contacting Sony and will be making further enquiries to establish the precise nature of the incident before deciding what action, if any, needs to be taken by this office."Meanwhile, according to several Australian newspapers, the Australian Privacy Commissioner, Timothy Pilgrim, has said he will be opening an wholesale power balance investigation into the breach. And in the U.S., outraged Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) sent a letter to Sony of America CEO Jack Tretton demanding answers about the company’s failure to notify millions of customers about the data breach in a timely manner.
Par eileen - 23 commentaire(s)le 28 avril 2011
Mercredi 27 avril 2011

a lawyer for the players

Owners imposed the lockout after talks broke down March 11 and the players disbanded their union, clearing the way for an antitrust lawsuit still pending before Nelson. She ordered the two sides into mediation, but four days of talks with a federal michael kors handbags magistrate ended with no signs of progress, just as 16 days of mediated talks did earlier this year.The two sides are not scheduled to meet again until May 16, four days after another judge holds a hearing on whether players should get damages in their fight with owners over some $4 billion in broadcast revenue.The fight seems likely to drag on through the spring. The closer it gets to August, when training camps and the preseason get into full swing, the more likely it becomes that regular-season games could be lost. "It's very chaotic for the teams right now," agent Drew Rosenhaus said. "It's not chaotic for the players. Our position is the lockout is over, free agency should begin, signings should begin, offseason workouts should begin, everything should be going on."If Nelson's ruling is upheld — by the judge herself or the appellate court — the NFL must resume business in some fashion.It could invoke 2010 rules requiring six seasons of service before players can become unrestricted free agents when their contracts expire. There also was no salary cap in 2010, meaning teams could spend as much — or as little — as they wanted.Green Bay Packers president and CEO Mark Murphy suggested that might be the plan. "What we would probably do if Judge Nelson and the 8th Circuit deny our request for a stay would be play under the same rules that we had last year," he said. "It's 2010 rules, those were agreed to by the players in the collective bargaining agreement, I think that's probably the rules that make the most sense."James Quinn, a lawyer for the players from Weil, Gotshal and Manges in New York, said if the league comes up with rules "we think they're reasonable and legal, then God bless. If not, then we'll keep fighting about it in court." "On these issues in particular, the history of appeals court rulings has been quite different from how trial courts have looked at this," Pash said. "We feel we have very credible legal arguments to assert, and we'll know in a short shop online 2011 period of time whether we're right or not."At least the draft will be held this week, even if free agency and personnel swaps are up in the air. Few players, if any, are expected to show up at team facilities until things clear up.Said New York Jets defensive lineman Mike DeVito after a fruitless visit Tuesday: "It was like a ghost town in there." 
Par eileen - 23 commentaire(s)le 27 avril 2011
Mardi 26 avril 2011

Chernobyl Victims

Thousands of sickened workers involved in the cleanup have protested in Kyiv against cuts in the benefits and compensation they receive for their exposure to radiation. They say their monthly pensions recently were cut, leaving them barely enough money to pay for food and needed medication. An international coach handbags effort to continue to provide additional help to clean up the disaster site has fallen short of its goal. A donors conference in Kyiv last week raised more than $785 million, but that was well short of the $1.1 billion goal. The initial explosion killed two people. Radiation exposure killed 30 others in the following months. The World Health Organization believes that around 4,000 people eventually could die because of the accident.The disaster fueled a non-stop global debate about the safety of nuclear energy as a power source, a debate that has gotten hotter since last month's earthquake damaged a Japanese nuclear plant. The 1986 disaster has left a 30-kilometer area around the Chernobyl plant mainly uninhabitable, while environmentalists say fields in the surrounding area and the products grown there are still not safe and could pose a threat to human health. Ukraine is marking a grim anniversary - it was 25 years ago Tuesday when a deadly explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the former Soviet state led to the worst nuclear disaster in history.The shop online 2011 commemoration began in the middle of the night in Kiyv when Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill struck a bell at the exact moment of the Chernobyl blast on April 26, 1986.Patriarch Kirill and Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych also are remembering the victims with prayer and a candle-lighting ceremony. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will join them later at Chernobyl.The Chernobyl blast was 400 times more powerful than the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. It sent a cloud of radioactive fallout into Russia, Belarus and a over a large portion of Europe.
Par eileen - 16 commentaire(s)le 26 avril 2011
Lundi 25 avril 2011

Japanese company

Ohga's connection to music affected the specifications of what became the compact disc. Ohga insisted that the CD be designed to be 12 centimeters (4.8 inches) in diameter so that it could hold 75 minutes worth of music. It was necessary for the CD to support 75 minutes of playback in order for it to be able to hold the entirety of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.Sony sold its first CD in 1982. Ohga insisted CDs would eventually replace record power balance albums, and although many scoffed at the notion, a mere five years later CD sales overtook LP record sales in Japan. The specifications are still used today, although digital downloads have greatly impacted sales of CDs. Norio Ohga is survived by his wife, Midori. Sony announced that a private wake will be held at a later date. Born January 29, 1930, Norio Ohga graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music in 1953 and Berlin University of the Arts in 1957. An aspiring opera singer, and it was that aspiration that drove him to write to Sony to complain about the sound quality of its tape recorders. Sony co-founders Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita immediately recruited Ohga for the company.His climb was rapid, and he was a Sony executive by his 30s, which is rare in a Japanese company. In 1970, he was appointed president of CBS Sony Records in 1970. In 1988, he was named chairman of what later became Sony Corporation of America, and became chief executive of Sony in 1989. The CD is said to be dying. On Saturday, April 23, the man many credit as the "father of the CD," Norio Ohga, died as well, at the age of 81.Former CEO and Chairman of the Board of Sony, Norio Ohga has been credited with leading the shop online 2011 effort to develop the CD, or compact disc. He was president and chairman of Sony from 1982 to 1995. He stepped down as president in 1995, but remained chairman until 2003.
Par eileen - 21 commentaire(s)le 25 avril 2011
Jeudi 21 avril 2011

1999 NATO intervention

There has been an inevitable, and necessary, debate as to the extent of the UN mandate under Resolution 1973. On 14 April the NATO Secretary-General Anders Rasmussen stated that the NATO Foreign Ministers had sought to identify their “clear expression of unity and resolve” and reconfirmed their military objectives as follows: Much debate remains as to whether Resolution 1973 permits “boots on the mac eyeshadow swatches ground”. In other words, is the wording of the Resolution broad enough to permit the intervention of ground forces? On 15 April Rasmussen indicated the NATO had not discussed the matter to date, had not given consideration to seeking an adjustment of the mandate, and in any event was of the view that such action was “not mandated” under the Resolution.  Whilst this represented a rapid development of a new international consensus in responding to State induced crimes against humanity and genocide, an issue remained as to how it would be actually implemented, especially if there was a need to secure Security Council support for a military intervention to halt the commission of these crimes. Crucial to the success of coalition military operations is that “all necessary measures” may be taken to achieve these ends. The only military limitation is that a “foreign occupation force of any form on any shoponline2011  part of Libyan territory” is not permissible. A ban on all flights in Libyan airspace is imposed, creating the much sought after no-fly zone. An arms embargo is also imposed, permitting coalition forces to interdict vessels on the high seas suspected of running arms, including mercenaries, to Gadaffi. Over the past two months the international response to the Libyan crisis has been couched in the language of R2P, including not only from the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, but from various Heads of State and Foreign Ministers, including Kevin Rudd. R2P language is deeply imbedded in Resolution 1973 both in terms of its scope and its limitations. The focus is upon humanitarian action, designed to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack from the Libyan regime.  First actively debated in the wake of the 1999 NATO intervention in Kosovo, in 2001 kiko cosmetics former Australian Foreign Minister Gareth Evans was a pivotal contributor to a report by the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty that canvassed ways in which the international community had a responsibility to protect civilian populations from mass atrocity crimes. Mindful of the failure of the UN to adequately respond to these crimes in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia during the 1990s, Evans actively promoted R2P in UN corridors of power and world capitals. The doctrine eventually won significant support at the 2005 World Summit of the UN General Assembly. 
Par eileen - 20 commentaire(s)le 21 avril 2011
Mercredi 20 avril 2011

Intel’s results

In the fourth quarter, Mr. Otellini said that he expected Intel’s revenue to grow about 10 percent for the full year. But in January, company executives said growth would probably be in the mid- to high teens. On Tuesday, Mr. Otellini adjusted that forecast yet again, projecting power balance usa revenue growth of more than 20 percent. “All of our product segments are growing,” Mr. Otellini said. “Over all, we are beginning 2011 with great momentum.”  Intel appears to have managed to turn a disastrous product introduction into one of its most successful chips. A technical error in a companion chipset to the company’s long-awaited Sandy Bridge processor led the company to quickly issue a recall, fix those chips and then to reissue the product. The problem, Intel executives said, did not hurt Intel’s bottom line. “Early demand has been outstanding,” said Paul S. Otellini, Intel’s chief executive, in a conference call with analysts.  Kevin Cassidy, an analyst with Stifel Nicolaus, said the strong results showed that smaller devices had not hurt PC demand as much as some might have thought. “It shows there’s still a need for PCs in the world,” he said. During the quarter, Intel closed on the acquisitions of Infineon Wireless Solutions and McAfee. The combination of both acquisitions contributed revenue of $496 million. Mr. Otellini told analysts that the earthquake and tsunami in Japan had closed its offices in the area but that Intel’s supply chain was not seriously affected.  Intel’s results come amid concerns about the overall health of the PC market. Just last week, the research company IDC released a report saying that the global PC market declined 3.2 percent during the first quarter, the first major contraction since the economic shop online 2011  recession began. The company originally predicted quarterly growth of 1.5 percent over last year. In explaining its gloomier view, the report pointed to rising fuel and commodity prices, combined with supply constraints caused by the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The Intel executives assured analysts that the company was not experiencing such a contraction, but rather the opposite, particularly in emerging markets. However, demand in the United States market remained soft, the executives said.
Par eileen - 18 commentaire(s)le 20 avril 2011
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